TSR AD&D S1 Tomb of Horrors Green Shrinkwrap
TSR AD&D S1 Tomb of Horrors (green cover version) by Gary Gygax in original shrinkwrap
The module is in GOOD(-) condition as far as normal wear. A severe 4" crease runs from the right edge of the module to the middle. The crease affects the front and back cover as well as the interior booklet. A 4" length of the shrinkwrap along the right edge of the module is splitting. Otherwise the shrinkwrap is tight. The shrinkwrap bears the initials "TJ" for Tim Jiardini on the front.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons module for character levels 10-14 that has the characters delving into the most famous dungeon of all - the tomb of the lich Acererak. Will you cowardly accept pre-rolled characters or will you be bold and risk you own beloved NPC's in this death trap of death traps? The rewards are fantastic but the penalties are permanent!