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New Dungeons & Dragons Movie: The Great Kingdom

Hello All,


Just checked this out, pretty amazing, these guys have really taken on the Labors of Heracles to produce this movie. While I have a small part in this endeavor, it is really quite breathtaking what they have put together in just this brief 30 second trailer. The number of primary sources, contemporary documents and artifacts, vintage photos and footage, carefully researched recreations, amazingly faithful sets, and extensive location shooting make this a phenomenal, virtual temporal and spatial trip through the history of Dungeons & Dragons.

Put together by the production team of Chris Haifley, James Sprattley, and Andrew Pascal, they have really taken the first step toward making the world at large aware of the impact of this game on human culture. Anyway don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself...


...and if you are moved by it give them feedback on Facebook and tell everyone you can about it:



Futures Bright,



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