
The Collector’s Trove has added a new section to it's Web Site!
While the main mission of The Collector’s Trove is to provide an excellent outlet for game designers and artists to auction their collections, the company also strives to support the gaming and collecting community. In addition to donating time, services, knowledge, and financial aid to charity auctions, such as the Gygax Memorial Fund and other individual game designers and artists, The Collector’s Trove also supports the preservation and teaching of the history of the hobby.
As a part of this effort The Collector's Trove online auction house has sponsored a number of events at Lake Geneva Gaming Convention in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. While that convention ended with the passing of Gary Gygax. The informal gathering after Gary's memorial service by the attendees, to play games in honor of Gary, has now become Gary Con. This convention has now become one of the premier old school conventions, currently drawing five hundred attendees to Lake Geneva. The ratio of game designers and artists to attendees is amazingly high and convention goers more often than not find themselves rubbing elbows, i.e., playing games, with their favorite TSR and game industry personalities.
The Collector's Trove has attended, sponsored and run events at every Gary Con since it's inception in 2008. This last Gary Con (2012), nearly 200 convention goers participated in the events promoted, sponsored, and run by our online auction house.
To view write-ups and photos of these events click on the Events page under the Community Support section to the left or click on this link: Events. Drop in for a look and thanks for your continued support!