Pre-Christmas Auction for Gary Gygax Collection!

Hello All!
The Collector's Trove would like to announce the new round of items up for auction from the E. Gary Gygax collection. The items will be listed on December 4th and will end on December 11th.
For a full preview list of items and notification of future auctions, click here for Email Notification.
The current auction will include 100 lots including numerous gaming items produced by Gary's various companies such as: Dangerous Journeys, Lejendary Adventures, Boot Hill, Gang Busters, Adventures of Indiana Jones, Gamma World, Star Frontiers, Marvel Super Heroes, World of Greyhawk, Dungeons & Dragons, and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Highlights of the auction will include inscribed and autographed copies, editorial and review copies, author's and comp copies, Gary Gygax library copies, and personal play copies! A special feature of this year's pre-Christmas auction is the most comprehensive collection of TSR posters to ever be auctioned at once - 15 in all! One very special item is Gary's personal play copy of Top Secret. It is a 1st print boxed set complete with his hand written character sheet and reference copy of his Outfitting the New Agent article manuscript from Dragon Magazine #60!
To view these new auction listings click here after the start time of the auction given above: The Collector's Trove eBay Auctions
Futures Bright,
Paul J. Stormberg
The Collector's Trove