New Set of Ebay Auctions

Collector's Trove Auction 66: Over 100 Items!
Howdy All,
I have a large auction I started Sunday night with many rares. These items are from my own collection and not any RPG designer or artist. Check it out at:
The Collector's Trove eBay Auctions
Here is a listing of the items up for auction:
TSR D&D 3E Player’s Handbook Gen Con 1st
TSR D&D 3E Dungeon Master’s Guide 1st
TSR D&D 3E Monster Manual 1st Print
TSR D&D 3E Character Sheets
TSR D&D 3E Greyhawk Window Sticker
TSR D&D 3E Greyhawk Gazetteer RPGA Only
TSR D&D 3E Greyhawk Gazetteer
TSR D&D 3E Free Game Caves of Shadows
TSR D&D 3E Return to Temple of Elemental Evil
TSR D&D 3E The Fright at Tristor RPGA Only
TSR AD&D 2E SJR6 SpellJammer Greyspace
TSR AD&D 2E Doomgrinder
TSR AD&D 2E The Star Cairns
TSR AD&D 2E Crypt of Lyzandred
TSR AD&D 2E Greyhawk Player’s Guide
TSR AD&D 2E Greyhawk Slavers
TSR AD&D 2E Greyhawk Adventure Begins
TSR AD&D 2E Greyhawk Keeping Balance T-shirt
TSR AD&D 2E Fast Play Game
TSR AD&D 2E Fast Play Eye of the Wyvern
TSR AD&D 2E Fast Play Crypt of the Smoke Dragon
TSR AD&D 2E Fast Play Wrath of the Minotaur
Goodman Haunted Lighthouse Autographed Arneson
Goodman DCC1 Idylls of the Rat King 1st Print
Goodman DCC2 Lost Vault Tsathzar Rho 1st Print
Goodman DCC3 Mysterious Tower 1st Print
Goodman DCC4 Bloody Jack’s Gold 1st Print
Goodman DCC5 Aerie of the Crow God 1st Print
Goodman DCC6 Temple of the Dragon Cult 1st
Goodman DCC7 Secret of Smuggler’s Cove 1st
Goodman DCC8 Mysteries of the Drow 1st Print
Goodman DCC9 Dungeon Geomorphs 1st Print
Goodman DCC10 Sunless Garden 1st Print
Goodman DCC11 Dragon Fiend Pack 1st Print
Goodman DCC12 Blackguard’s Revenge 1st Print
Goodman DCC12.5 Iron Crypts of the Heretics AD&D 1st Ed.
Goodman DCC13 Crypt of the Devil Lich 1st
Goodman DCC Punjar the Tarnished Jewel
TSR AD&D 2E Player’s Handbook
TSR AD&D 2E Monstrous Manual
TSR AD&D 2E Dungeon Master’s Guide
TSR AD&D 2E Player’s Option: Skills & Powers
TSR AD&D 2E Player’s Option: Spells & Magic
TSR AD&D 2E Complete Book of Elves
TSR AD&D 2E Strongholds 3-D Building Boxed Set
TSR AD&D 2E Silver Anniv. Against the Giants
TSR AD&D 2E Country Sites
TSR AD&D 2E Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga
TSR AD&D 2E Darkness Gathering
TSR AD&D 2E Masters of Eternal Night
TSR AD&D 2E Gates of Firestorm Peak
TSR AD&D 2E Hero’s Tale
TSR AD&D 2E Kidnapped
TSR AD&D 2E Labyrinth of Madness
TSR AD&D 2E Moonlight Madness
TSR AD&D 2E Paladin in Hell
TSR AD&D 2E Silver Anniversary Ravenloft
TSR AD&D 2E Silver Key
TSR AD&D 2E Star of Kholhapur RPGA Only
TSR AD&D 2E Temple, Tower, & Tomb
TSR AD&D 2E TSR Jam 2000
TSR AD&D 2E Wand of Archeal RPGA Only
Kenzer Knights of the Dinner Table #147
Hekforge LA Lejend Masters Screen
Argonaut Game Studios Shades of Heroes
Flying Buffalo Tunnels & Trolls 5th Ed. 1979
T&T Flying Buffalo S10 Sorcerer Solitare '79
T&T Flying Buffalo S11 Sword for Hire '79
GDW Dangerous Jouneys Necroplolis by Gygax
TLG Castle Zagyg Upper Works Boxed Set
TLG Castle Zagyg East Mark Gazetteer SHRINK!
TLG Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Campaign Vol. 1
TSR Minigame Revolt on Antares
TSR Gamma World GWAC2 Player Character Sheets
TSR Gamma World GW2 Famine in Fargo
TSR AD&D D1 Descent into the Depths of the Earth
TSR AD&D D2 Shrine of the Kuo Toa
TSR AD&D D3 Vault of the Drow
TSR AD&D G1 Steading of the Hill Giant Chief Australian
TSR AD&D G1 Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
TSR AD&D G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
TSR AD&D G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King
TSR AD&D I3 Pharaoh
TSR AD&D I4 Lost Tomb of Martek
TSR AD&D L1 Secret of Bone Hill
TSR AD&D L2 Assassin’s Knot
TSR AD&D OA1 Swords of the Daimyo
TSR AD&D REF2 Player Character Record Sheets
Rob Kuntz Greyhawk Maze of Zayene 1-4
Rob Kuntz Greyhawk Garden of the Plantmaster
TSR Dungeons & Dragons Colorforms
TSR AD&D Monster Manual Rub-Down Transfers
TSR AD&D Fiend Foliio Rub-Down Transfers
Paramount Disney Dragonslayer Movie Sticker 1981
TSR Dungeon! Hobby Shop Booklet March 1981
TSR D&D RPGA Club Fliers & Gift Catalog 1982
TSR Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set 1978 SHRINK!
TSR Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set 1983
TSR D&D Player Character Record Sheets 1981
TSR D&D AC4 The Book of Marvelous Magic 1984
TSR D&D AC11 Book of Wondrous Inventions 1987
Combined Lot Wargaming Rules
Inner City Games My First Miniatures Game ‘02
Palo Alto to Peking by K. Wilson Brasington 1987
Mitre Mustache & Musket by Ben King 1977
Napoleonique Encore by Jim Getz 1992
Uncle Duke’s Napoleonette by Seifried 2005
Wilderness Wars by Harris & Bock 2004
Age of Battles Napoleonic Wars
A Thousand Years of Medival Warfare 2nd 1983
Constantinople to Vienna 3rd 1983
Warfare Through the Ages 1983
Warfare in the Ancient World 2nd 1983
Wargamer’s Newsletter #198 ept 1978
TSR Gen Con Pencil 1993
TSR World of Greyhawk Olidammara Dice
Flying Buffalo Vintage Die Grimtooth for One
Chessex (?) Pair of Vintage Alignment Dice
TSR 9001 Polyhedral Dice Mint in Bag 1977
Winter Con V Lost Caverns of Tsojconth 1976
Guidon Games Chainmail Gygax 1st Print 1971
Great Plains Game Players D&D Articles 1974-5
International Wargamer v 4 n 9 Sept 1971
International Wargamer v 5 n 3 March 1972
Lowrys Hobbies Catalog 1972
Lowrys Guidon #2 Apr 1972 Zulu! Gygax/Perren
Lowrys Guidon #3 Jul 1972 Hardtack Add Lowry
Lowrys Guidon #4 Oct 1972 Hardtack Add Lowry
Lowrys Guidon #5 Jun 1973 Gygax on D&D
Lowrys Hobbies Discount Catalog 1973
TSR Jobbies Strategic Preview #5 1976 Rare!
TSR D&D Supplement I Greyhawk 2nd Print 1975
TSR D&D Supplement I Greyhawk 2nd Print 1975
TSR D&D Supplement II Blackmoor 1st Print ‘75
TSR Dungeons & Dragons Woodgrain 1st Print‘74
Futures Bright,
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