Gygax Auction Breaks Records!

Howdy All!
The latest auction for the E. Gary Gygax Collection has ended with record breaking results!
The auction will include over 200 lots including some of the rarest and most sought after RPG and wargaming rule books and accessories. Included will be numerous products by the various companies Gary worked with and designed for such as: TSR, NIPI, GDW, Troll Lord Games, Hekaforge, and many others. Highlights of the auction will include inscribed and autographed copies, editorial and review copies, author's and comp copies, Gary Gygax library copies, and personal reading copies!
Highlights of the record breaking auction included Gary’s copy of War of the Wizards, inscribed to Gygax and signed by M.A.R. Barker in 1975 that went for $385, a Gen Con VIII program from 1975 which auctioned for over $560, a shrinkwrapped, 1st printing of the World of Greyhawk folio from 1979, with hand stamped copyright, which finished at $960, Gary’s author’s copy of his MDG tournament module for Winter Con V that went for a record breaking $5,655, and Gary's own "Complementary" (sic) copy of Origins '79 Tournament Module for AD&D, Lost Tamoachan that ended at a record shattering $9,100!
Gary's "Complementary" (sic) copy of Origins '79 Tournament Module for AD&D, Lost Tamoachan
Some 236 items were packaged up and mailed to 55 customers around the world, on 3 continents, in 5 countries, and in 16 states in the U.S. Here they are, less than 24 hours after the end of the auction, professionally packaged with high quality materials to get the items safely to their new homes.
Packages from the latest E. Gary Gygax auction ready to ship!
Thanks again to all who participated and for the many kind comments we received about the exceptional quality of The Collector's Trove auctions.
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If you are an RPG designer, artist, or industry insider and have a collection you would like to have auctioned, please click on Auction My Collection to send us a message and we'll discuss the possibilites!
Futures Bright,
Paul J. Stormberg
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