Next Round of Auction Items from the E. Gary Gygax Collection

Before getting to the auction announcement, Gary's widow, Gail, and The Collector's Trove would like to thank all of the bidders from the highly successful pre-Christmas auction. We think Gary would be very pleased that there were so many happy gamers and collectors this Christmas. On to the next auction!
The Collector's Trove would like to announce the new round of items up for auction from the E. Gary Gygax collection.
This auction will include over 270 items including items from the Gord the Rogue Greyhawk novels, Sagard the Barbarian game books, Dangerous Journeys Magister Setne Inhetep book series. Also included will be numerous gaming items produced by Gary's various companies such as: Cyborg Commando, Dangerous Journeys, Lejendary Adventures, Boot Hill, Dawn Patrol, Gang Busters, Adventures of Indiana Jones, Top Secret, Gamma World, Star Frontiers, Marvel Super Heroes, World of Greyhawk, Dungeons & Dragons, and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Highlights of the auction will include inscribed and autographed copies, editorial and review copies, author's and comp copies, Gary Gygax library copies, and personal play copies! Also included will be two very special personal items.
A special preview list of these items is available exclusively to those who sign up for email notification (under My Services in the right column).
The latest auction will be posted, Wednesday, March 2nd and end on Wednesday, March 9th. The Collector’s Trove will begin listing items at 6:30 PM CST. Follow this link to get the first look at them:
The Collector's Trove eBay Auctions
Futures Bright,
Paul J. Stormberg
The Collector's Trove
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