
The Collector's Trove: You Will Not Believe Your Eyes!

The Collector's Trove is proud to bring you our annual Christmas Auction! You will not believe your eyes!

Highlights of the auction includes rare miniatures, including limited editions, several issues of TSR's employee newsletter, Random Events, a 1st print Guidon Games Chainmail, numerous shrink wrapped TSR D&D, AD&D, Star Frontiers, Marvel Super Heroes boxed sets, modules, and accessories, a Dungeons & Dragons Original Collector's Edition (6th Print) in original shrink wrap, and a 2nd print woodgrain Dungeons & Dragons box set!

Featured items includes two issues of the incredibly rare Strategic Preview, a Lost Caverns of Tsojconth tournament, a black foldered Palace of the Vampire Queen, an author's personal play copy of Lost Tamoachan Collector's Edition #179/300, and several original 1979-81 Gen Con and Origins tournament-played modules and pre-gen character sheets.

Among the very specials items are game designer David Megarry's comp copy of his Dungeon! board game, still in it's original shrink wrap, a 1st printing of Deities & Demigods, autographed by both authors, a copy of TSR's Lankhmar board game personally inscribed and autographed by Fritz Leiber in 1976, original artwork by Jeff Easley and Jim Roslof, a set of original character sheets and notes from a TSR employee's play test of Star Frontiers and T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil from 1980!

Auctions Went Live Sunday, December 8th, 2019 Starting at 1:00 pm CST/MEX

Auctions End This Sunday, December 15th, 2019 Starting at 1:00 pm CST/MEX

Here is the link to place your bids:


Good luck bidding!

Futures Bright,



The Collector's Trove Presents: Rarest of the Rares!

The Collector's Trove is proud to bring you eight different private collections!

Highlights of the auctions will include several TSR employee newsletters, Random Events, a 1st print Guidon Games Chainmail, a Dave Arneson autographed copy of Don't Give Up the Ship, an orange covered, recalled B3 Palace of the Silver Princess, a Lost Caverns of Tsojconth tournament, a black foldered Palace of the Vampire Queen, a collector's edition of Lost Tamoachan #89/300, a Dungeons & Dragons Original Collector's Edition (7th Print), a Dungeons & Dragons white box (4th Print), and a 1st print woodgrain Dungeons & Dragons box set!

Auctions Went Live Sunday, November 17th, 2019 Starting at 6:00 pm CST/MEX

Auctions End Sunday, November 24th, 2019 Starting at 6:00 pm CST/MEX

Here is the link to place your bids:


Good luck bidding!

Futures Bright,



Massive Original TSR Art Collection!



The Collector's Trove is proud to bring you four new gaming related art collections! These items come from the collections of Darlene, Jim and Laura Roslof, Jeff Leason, and the private collection of a former TSR employee. 

Highlights of the auction will include designer and author's comp copies, signed items, original artwork, concept art, studies, production materials, art proofs, a company business card, and games! Among the very special items are Jim Roslof's original artwork from Deities & Demigods and C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness, Jeff Easley original artwork from L2 Assasin's Knot, EX2 Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, Endless Quest Books, and many more, a print of TSR artist Darlene's original freelance logo, Dragon Publishing art submissions, and Larry Elmore's first piece of artwork for TSR!

Auctions Go Live Sunday, November 10th, 2019 Starting at 8:00 pm CST/MEX 

All Rounds of Auctions End November 17th, 2019 Starting at 8:00 pm CST/MEX

Here is the link to place your bids: 



The Collector's Trove Presents: The Jason B. McAllister Collection!

The Collector's Trove is proud to bring you he Jason B. McAllister Collection! These items were acquired during the last 40 years of Jason’s amateur and professional involvement with war games, role playing games, and board games. For several years of this time he was co-owner of Gorgonstar Publications, a company he co-founded with legendary TSR artist Dave Trampier, to publish their fantasy board war game, TITAN. 

Highlights of the auction will include designer and author's comp copies, signed items, playtest materials, tournament and convention materials, convention programs, original artwork, concept art, studies, production materials, art proofs, personal play copies, shrink wrapped copies, a company business card, company stamp, buttons, an incredibly rare newsletter, magazines, and games! Among the very special items are, Dragon Magazine #1, an unscored, unfolded TITAN masterboard, one of Jason's last uncirculated copies of TITAN, Battlelands, and Ant Wars! The featured items are several original sculptures, pieces of folk art, and paintings by the legendary fantasy game artist, Dave Trampier!

Accompanying this auction auction will be the collections of six other gaming legends and three private collections in one massive auction! Designers and industry insiders such as David Wesely, Jim Quinn, Jim Barber, Jeff Leason, and one of the original playtesters of Dungeons & Dragons, Tim Wilson! Over 200 items from TSR, Pacesetter, Mayfair, Ral Partha, GDW, SPI, Avalon Hill, and several other companies!

Highlights of the auction will include designer and author's comp copies, autographed and numbered copies, editorial copies, play test materials, personal play copies, rare misprints, business cards, buttons, company branded ephemera, GenCon and Origins programs, D&D tournament handouts, catalogs, magazines, posters, rare dice, role playing games, miniature games, war games, and board games!

Among the very special items are an Origins I program owned by Dave Arneson from 1975, a TSR telephone directory from 1981, an authentic TSR employee worn belt buckle, a signed numbered copy of Darlene's Jasmine card game, and a much sought after TSR Hobbies Sutherland red dragon button!

The featured items are, two rare tournament handouts from GenCon East and South from 1981-2, a TSR version of the Wee Warriors 1st print Palace of the Vampire Queen,a WinterCon V Lost Caverns of Tsojconth from 1976, an incredibly rare (and incredibly nice condition) copy of Tracy and Laura Hickman's Daystar West printing of Pharaoh from 1979, the personal playing dice of one of the original Blackmoor players used in the early 1970s, and a woodgrain Dungeons & Dragons boxed set owned by an original D&D play tester and member of Gary Gygax's original Greyhawk campaign -- one of the first dozen players to play the game before it was even published!

Auctions Go Live Sunday, May 12th, 2019 Starting at 7:30 pm CST/MEX

Auctions End Sunday, May 19th, 2019 Starting at 7:30 pm CST/MEX

Here is the link to place your bids: 



The Collector's Trove Presents: Our Annual Christmas Auction!

The Collector's Trove is proud to bring you this year's amazing Christmas Auction! The auction will present the collections of fifteen of our gaming legends in one massive auction! Designers Jeff Leason, Robert J. Kuntz, Kevin Hendryx, Allen Hammack and artists Dave C. Sutherland III, Darlene, and Jim and Laura Roslof! Over 300 items, many in their original shrinkwrap from TSR, Pacesetter, Mayfair, Ral Partha, and dozens of other companies!

Highlights of the auction will include designer and author's and designer comp copies, autographed and numbered copies, playtest materials, tournament modules and character sheets, original manuscripts, original artwork, concept sketches, studies, production materials, printer's proofs, personal play copies, business cards, company letterhead, buttons, name tags and company branded ephemera, incredibly rare catalogs, magazines, and games! Among the very special items are original artwork from Robin Raab, Jim Roslof, and Tom Wham! The featured items are a working TSR office telephone and directory, Zeb Cook's Origins '80 tournament module, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, Frank Mentzer's Investigation of Hydell tournament module from GenCon East 1982, and the incredibly rare 1978 WinterCon VII tournament DM copy of Quest for the Fazzlewood!

1st Round of Auctions Go Live Sunday, December 9th, 2018 Starting at 6:00 pm CST/MEX

2nd Round of Auctions Go Live Tuesday, December 11th, 2018 Starting at 6:00 pm CST/MEX

All Rounds of Auctions End Sunday, December 16th, 2018 Starting at 6:00 pm CST/MEX

Here is the link to place your bids: