Presenting: Our Annual Christmas Auction!
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 11:25AM
Paul Stormberg

The Collector's Trove is proud to present our annual Christmas auction! Includes items from the collections of Rob kuntz, Dave Wesely, Zeb Cook, Dave Sutherland, Jim Roslof, Kevin Hendryx, Darlene, Harold Johnson, Allen Hammack, David Megarry, Jason McAllister, Jim Quinn, Jim Barber, and more!

This auction will include over 400 lots with some of the rarest and most sought after war games, board games, and miniature rules, as well as hundreds of gaming fanzines, newsletters, and magazines. Included will be newsletters produced by early war gaming clubs such as the International Federation of Wargaming and Midwest Military Miniatures Association.Highlights of the auction will include many games still in their original shrink wrap! TSR, Avalon Hill, GDW, SPI, and many more!

Among the very special items are an unpunched original Gorgonstar edition of Titan from the collection of the game designer himself, TSR posters for Divine Right, the D&D Basic Set, Snit's revenge, autographed copy of Kings & Things, a TSR silver 3-year service pin, copies of Random Events, a TSR employee only newsletter, TSR posters for the D&D Basic Set, Gamma World, and a Snit's revenge poster we have never seen before!

The featured items for the auction include the rarest, most sought after, and valuable newsletters: The Corner of the Table and International Wargamer. The Corner of the Table is the self-published newsletter of Dave Arneson’s own campaigns, including the Blackmoor campaign the first ever roleplaying game. The International Wargamer is the newsletter for the International Federation of Wargaming, a club co-founded by Gary Gygax, where Gary foster interest in Medieval wargames, ultimately leading to the publication of Chainmail.

Auctions Close Monday, December 12th, 2022

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The Collector's Trove eBay Auctions

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